i'm continually stuck between running out to buy bottled water and canned goods for the bomb shelter, and making every dirty joke i can think of. it's a hard life.
so, without further ado and in no particular order-
Vices & Virtues: It Came
with your host, Ryan Ross.
ready to go
yes, ryan's smoking a bubble pipe. no, i refuse to draw shane drake and his smarmy little goatee.
the calendar
sometimes a band will release a song. and i will listen to that song. and i will think, "who the fuck told you that lyric was a good idea?"
at night your body is a symphony, and iiii'mmmmm conduuuuctinnnnng!~
gay or stagegay, whatever. i don't care so long as the band all has hearts-eyes for each other. is that too much to ask?
cameo by jon walker.
so sue me, i wanted to draw ryland blackington and alex suarez making out in tutus. we all have needs.
trade mistakes
cameo by pete wentz. you're welcome.
it's a METAPHOR, guys. a METAPHOR.
let's kill tonight
no really. i guess the academy is... had their pseudo-breakup a couple weeks ago via twitter, and their drummer, the butcher, spent most of the day crying. via twitter. and posting memory after poignant memory in 140 characters or less. there are reasons i follow these people.
...in stark contrast to the 2009 panic-split of infamous, bitchy legend.
or something.
nearly witches
yeah. neither did i.
i do, however, frequently wonder if there is a store that would sell me both a princess getup and a bubble pipe. and how i might get there. and if they have coupons.
the ballad of mona lisa
ta dah.
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